Monday, April 27, 2015

Lots of Questions... and Answers!

Hello family!!

Holy smokes, every week goes by faster...

This week was another great one!! Sadly our zone couldn't follow the weekly baptism streak, but we will be back before too long. :)

to answer some questions:

Does your companion speak any English?
Very little, he is studying but just phrases here and there. But we are working on that during language study.

Do the people you teach speak any English?
Just "hello" "wasunam" (what's your name) and "howaryu" (how are you). haha but almost all college students study English and are getting a very basic hold of it.

Did you ever buy a pair of shoes or are you just down to one pair?
I actually repaired them, and so the 2 original pairs are still kicking and looking great!

What is your typical meal at lunch?
Rice with Chicken maybe with some vegetables on the side with chicha morada or lemonade to drink is the typical meal. Sometimes you get like spaghetti instead of rice, or sometimes another side of papa a la huancaina.

How far do people have to travel to attend church?
The farthest away would probably be like 15-20 minute moto taxi ride...

What is the favorite sport in Peru?
SOCCER, or as they say here, FUTBOL.

Do people follow U.S. sports or is it mostly soccer?
very few people if any. US sports expands mostly to the use of Yankee caps as well as Chicago Bulls wear around here... haha

How big is your zone and what kind of an area does it cover?
This zone has 3 wards and 1 branch, there are 2 zones within the Stake. We cover a rather small part of Piura city, but we also have 2 small cities outside: Chulucanas and Morropon.

How often do you have zone conference?
About once a month.

Do you have to conduct the zone conference or does the mission president do that?
We do. We have special zone meetings for interviews and also multi zone meetings and normally that is where President takes part and plans the majority of what will be done. But the monthly zone meetings is what us zone leaders want to teach according to what we learned in our leadership council with all the mission zone leaders, assistants, sister trainers and the mission president.

What is the neighborhood you are living in like?
its a more upper class part of Piura, mostly residential. Calm, ready to receive the gospel. :)

Best or most interesting thing you've eaten this week?
hmm... well actually best thing I will be eating this next week: BAGELS!!!!! I have been looking for those things my whole mission and I found them today! I bought classic and also cinnamon raisin and I bought cream cheese so I am so excited for breakfast this week! :)

Happiest moment of the week? :)
hmmm... This week I got to go to Morropon! We had exchanges with the missionaries there so I got to go visit this little bitty city. It is a really small branch: the missionaries there are the 1st and 2nd councilors of the branch presidency... but it was really awesome. From the rain it is now super green there!! It reminded me a lot of Tambo Grande and I was able to give suggestions to these missionaries from what I learned from my time there. That was a lot of fun being with Elder Huaranga, a super awesome missionary from Huanaco, Peru. He cooks a stellar dinner and they are doing some great stuff there in Morropon.

There is a lot of stuff told!! I dont know what else to say.... haha

all is well!!! I am happy and having a blast!

Well, gotta go!! Love you all!

Elder Russell

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