Monday, April 13, 2015

The Church is True!

Hello family!!

Holy smokes, I am so sorry, I forgot my camera AGAIN!!! Right now I am going to write it down in my agenda for next week. I got lots and lots of photos. House construction, Baptism, my new apartment, all that jazz you want, Mom. :) Sorry I forgot!!

Sheri and Mom, you both guessed pretty well about my new area! Almost half of it is actually paved roads, it is the highest living class I have proselyted in actually. It is a nice place and lots of quality visits!

The ward is strong. Around 130 people attend more or less every week. There are 800 members in the directory, but that is a current project in the ward: clean the directory up. Because there are LOTS who have moved, who don't live within the ward boundaries (like addresses in Tambo Grande...? haha), but the ward is strong and awesome. Lots of potential and we are going to make it even STRONGER! :) I LOVE working with ward members and leaders now.

Yep, we had a baptism! He is really awesome. He apparently has come a long way and the whole ward seems to love him. He is super educated in religion too, for example Elder Miller was teaching the offices of the Priesthood and F started explaining why it would be called the Melchizedek Priesthood and talked all about who Melchizedek was, we were all astounded! He actually reminds me a lot of my piano teacher in Massachusetts (Mom, you'll remember. I forgot his name... Nathan? But who was originally from Utah?) He has the same kind of personality. haha :) So that was great, and the other missionaries are actually teaching his Dad too! so that has been awesome. 
Pictures to come! :)

Most interesting thing you've learned about your new area?
hmm... that there is always more to do! The area is hard to master the directions because there is no rhyme or reason to the addresses...
Something I have learned while being here is the power of working with members. Pretty much all recent converts here were referrals, so we are going to keep working hard with those.

Funniest experience of the week?
hmm... I got a story about how I now have a new nickname in the zone: Carusel (carousel, in English). But how that came to be I would have to explain through a verbal explaination. So in May, or when I get home, remind me about that and I will expain. :)

Qualities you admire about your new companion?
Elder Montero is awesome. He is such a happy dude. At first I was really silent in the apartment but now I have broken myself in and we are always laughing. But this week we held a Zone Conference and he was getting a little stressed because we had forgotten stuff but in all his stress it just makes him laugh and smile MORE! Like when I get stressed I can get angry or offensive but he never ever leaves his happy loving and hard working mindset. So I know why I got put here, I could learn a LOT from him. :)

Well, I don't have much time... But I love you all!! The church is true! Have a great week!

Elder Russell

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