Monday, October 20, 2014

Deer Hunting... and Missionary Work :)

Hello my dear family! Things are going well down here in Tumbes Peru!!

We had transfers today, but our district went untouched!! So that was a groovy deal and so it is all steam ahead from all of us!

As for the Halloween activity, we've really got to get rolling with that. Our Ward Mission Leader left Saturday for a trip to Piura for like a week and a half and told us to work on it all without him... But we've got an excited Bishop and Tuesday we are going to try to get all the church quorums and organizations on board. If all works out well it should be a great activity!

We are continuing to find families! We've got a few couples interested this week so we will see if they start to really progress. Tonight we've also got a FHE with three member families who all said they would bring a friend to the event. Us missionaries like that. A LOT. :) So hopefully something good comes out of that!

to answer some questions:
What about your mission president?
Presidente Rowley is awesome. Very, very helpful and supportive. He is from Santaquin and works growing and selling cherries. Very powerful in his dedication to the Book of Mormon, Obedience, and Hastening the Work.

Do you see him often?
Here serving in the Tumbes region of the mission, I get to see him normally 2 times every 6 weeks: The District Leader Training, and the Multi Zone Conference or Interviews (one of the two takes place in every 6 week transfer session). In Piura you see him much more often, but Tumbes is a rather far away land... haha

How long has he been out?
He has a little over two years. From what I hear, he ends his mission one transfer before I end mine.

Are you finding new people to teach?
We are! Now we've just got to see which of them really start to progress.

And is anyone coming out to church?
We are working on that, but right now we don't have attending investigators other than J, but his is on and off. Hopefully within two or three weeks we will have a couple of these new families attending...

What is something new you learned this week?
This week I learned a new way Deer Hunting has helped me as a missionary:
When we would go hunting, the guides driving the truck would be able to spot a Buck from a very, very long ways... I was always super impressed with that and trying to be like them, I would start looking harder.
Now in the streets of Zarumilla we are trying to contact couples. And our area has pretty much nowhere where the couples naturally gather, like parks or the plaza. So I find myself searching the streets and locating couples 3 or 4 blocks away sometimes to contact. And sometimes in the process of walking up to them (hunting them down really...) my companion has given remarks that he feels like the lions that attack the gazelles on Animal Planet. haha it has been fun to find and seek out couples.

What have you learned from your companion during the past six weeks?
That we can really make a difference. My Companion during weekly planning inventory told me that I am helping him realize a little better in how to be Obedient. That really helped me receive more strength to keep up with it. He is also helping me learn how to be calmer. Sometimes I start to melt when all the visits don't go through or we aren't fulfilling the goals, so he is helping me be a little more Hakuna Matata.

How are things going with the Ward Halloween Party plans?
As a missionary District we are all gung-ho. Now we've just got to get the ward involved and informed, so there is a good goal for the week since it is coming up Reeeeeaalll quick. hahaha

Well, sorry but I gotta go now!! Busy stuff! But I love you all!! The church is true! Keep praying and reading the scriptures!! I am really flying through the Book of Mormon this third time around in the mission! After two weeks I am already in Mosiah!! Love that book! :)

Love you all!!!

Elder Russell

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