Monday, September 29, 2014

Be Filled to the Brim with the Spirit

Dear Family,

Well, all is well here in Zarumilla!! Another week come and gone!

Well, as for what's been happening here, J won't make it for his baptismal date, he missed the Sacrament this Sunday showing up late. But we are at least thrilled he showed up! It is great progress and we will be continuing to work with him. And please pray that his wife will sit down and take part of the visits as well! 

One thing that was like a highlight of the week was with J at church. He loooves to participate!! It is so so awesome, he is always putting in his word. haha During priesthood meeting the 3rd hour, I was sitting next to him. And one of the councilors as part of his lesson was talking about Home Teaching. He was explaining the importance of doing your visits. He explained there are those members less active who will not accept anyone into their home to listen! "But there is always one. Always one that can get to them." One that can get to their heart. Then J calls out "Like Elder Russell!!" The councilor didn't say much to that but a sound of affirmation and continued with the lesson, but I was on cloud 9 from that comment! haha that was so awesome, then Elder Moses secretly gave me a fist bump. But man, I love teaching him, he is such a good man going through such trials. I hope we can keep blessing his life. But seriously, he is the best.

This week we also found a lot of couples in the street. We are now trying to contact EVERY couple or family we see in the street. And it is starting to bring forth good fruit. We found a couple who are accepting the visits, who will be interesting to see how it goes. They used to be super super involved in the Catholic church, even leadership, but fell inactive about 4 years ago for the gossipy culture of the inner groups or something like that. We will see how it goes like them, they are very accepting. We've just got to help them get a testimony of the Book of Mormon.

The Zone meeting was so awesome!! The spirit was so strong. We talked about the role of the spirit and sitting there full of all this spirit, I was thinking, why can't I feel like this all the time?! The truth is, you totally can. You just gotta dedicate yourself more fully. So that is my goal. Just be filled to the brim with the spirit. Stuffed to the rafters. Like a fat man after Thanksgiving. It's just gotta radiate, and that is really what the people need. Also I learned this week if we want more baptisms, we need to be more consecrated, more obedient, and more diligent. As a companionship. So there is the homework there. And let's get rolling!!

This week I got to have exchanges with Elder Wilson! This was his 3rd week in the mission field, so that was awesome being able to help out a gringo with Spanish a little bit! We even got him to invite a couple to baptism! They didn't quite accept, but we did some pretty great miracles together that day. He is from Meridian Idaho! He too is going to BYU after. He is a sport superstar too. Lacrosse and football mostly. So it was a lot of fun conversations.

Well, that is all I've got for now! Thank you all for your love and letters! Keep up the great work and keep being missionaries over there!!

Elder Russell

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