Monday, September 22, 2014

All Is Well Here in Zarumilla!

Hello family of mine!!

Well this week sounds like it went very well for you all back home! I am super excited to go to the Ogden Temple when I get back, that needs to be one of the first things we do. I am so glad that the ceremony went well, I thought about that quite a bit and how strong of a blessing that is for all you guys to take part in that. You will truly never forget those times of practicing and that night of performance. And to have Apostles and the Prophet there, what an amazing deal.

As for us here in Zarumilla, Tumbes, Peru, we are doing pretty well!! A busy week, traveling to and from Piura is never fun.

so, to answer your question mom;
What was the best thing you experienced on your long bus ride to and from Piura last week?
I slept actually really well on the ride back to Tumbes! I was only awake for like 45 minutes of the whole 5 hour ride! So that was very impressive. haha Also I filmed a fantastic video with my camera. So you know that picture of the Desert of Judeo and the Dead Sea? Maybe this photo is just in the Spanish version, but I now have a video. It shows this image from the scriptures, then shows the view from the window. Identical. Barren desertous mountains. That is what you get between Talara and Mancora. hahah so I got a kick out of that.

So for P Day today we went to the beach and played frisbee, volleyball, and soccer as a district, that was really fun. We have a well knit district and we know how to have a good time.

to answer more questions:
What do you see when you look outside of your apartment?
Here, our apartment is adjoined with our Pensionista's house. So when I look out, I get to see our neat little fence and a MANGO TREE! (have I not told you about the mango tree?) They are starting to ripen now so that is super exciting, the penionista tells us they are very sweet.

What are some of the tender mercies you have noticed in your life most recently?
Well, Elder Bednar explained a tender mercy as this.
the Lord’s tender mercies are the very personal and individualized blessings, strength, protection, assurances, guidance, loving-kindnesses, consolationsupport, and spiritual gifts which we receive from and because of and through the Lord Jesus Christ.
As for this week, I think the revelations and teachings and lifted understanding from my reading of Jesus the Christ this week have been spectacular. I will be frankly honest. I don't think I really understood the true importance and value of Jesus Christ's life, atonement, and teachings. I thought it was important we went to church and prayed to God and just do what good kids should do. But I am now learning that this church is true and WHY and I am beginning to understand why we call this the Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints. I don't really know how to put to words all the thoughts and feelings that have come to me, but I am really growing to learn what matter of man Jesus of Nazareth truly is. He is the Son of God. I hope to keep learning and receive greater understanding. This has also been helping a lot with my Bible studies.

Great news, J now has a baptismal date! It is set for the 18th of October! We have to work really really hard for that one though... and we might be changing it so both him and his wife can set a common goal. He told us that he wants his wife to support and take part, and we are totally on board for that!! The thing is, right now they are teaching us in a temporary home with very little room until they finish the construction of their real home (which should be the end of the month). Right now they are teaching us in the doorway with us sitting outside in the street, and I think she is a little embarrassed by the situation, but she still always listens and we are always inviting her to sit down, so we will be working on her. Also J has a habit or two we gotta cut. But we are getting some good progress with him!!

As for R and family, they are very receptive and we are really helping them create a healthy home setting. It seems like they have a lot going on there, it sounds like the father is almost constantly drinking, and the parents don't know how to establish or enforce boundaries in the family. So we are helping them create the family foundation on Jesus Christ, first focusing on the principle of prayer. So slowly but surely.

We are contacting and focusing a LOAD more on families right now, but the majority of our following up visits didn't follow through this week.... better luck this time around! We are finding though, and that is spectacular!!!

This week we have a Multi Zone conference, so I am very excited for that!! Those are also amazing meetings we get to have. It looks like we are going to be talking a lot about the Holy Ghost, and it should be a very powerful meeting.

Well, all is well here in Zarumilla! It is quite the area, very different from Sechura and Tambo Grande, and I am growing greatly from my time here.

Well, I wish you all a fantastic week full of blessings and spiritual experiences! Pray as a family. DAILY. and read the scriptures as a family. DAILY. Will y'all do that for me? :)

You are all the best, have a wonder week! Thank you all for your letters and love!! Take luck!

Elder Russell

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