Monday, March 16, 2015

Best Mission in the Whole Wide World!

Hello family!!

Another good week!! This week we were actually able to get 7 new investigators to work with!! THAT was a good score there. It came really half and half: street contacts and member references.

For example for one, a Sister came to help us visit a certain new family, but there weren't able to take the visit in that moment. It just so happens that we were talking to her as we walked over to the visit about her missionary goals, and how she wasn't sure who she could introduce us to yet.
So we are standing outside this house trying to think what to do, and she had walked off to go talk to a friend that lived acoss the street. And she flags us over and we are introduced to a top notch new investigator!! We are just starting with the lessons with all these people so we will see how far they get but the members are doing GREAT at helping us out.

You mentioned English classes that you teach -- I don't believe you've told us about that! Could you expound a little? :)
well... Elder Volcanes (from Clearfield) and I teach English classes in the Chapel Wednesday nights. It was the Bishop's request as an idea to find new investigators. It has been fun, we have been teaching pronunciation which is something everybody suffers with in learning and they love to learn tongue twisters. haha but so far we have not had many people in attendance... I have to work my patience because when I don't see results I just want to pack up and try the next thing right away, but I think we are gonna keep working on it and see how it goes. But it is fun! I need all the practice I can get! I have moments where I just CAN'T speak English!!!! haha

Any miracles or tender mercies that you've seen recently and can share?
Hmm... well actually talking with Elder Machaca we have been talking about the miracles we have had with finding people. After V got baptized, we were kinda like " what? We have nobody progressing..." But now we have a list full of people to teach and help get a testimony of the Restored Gospel, and I know that this has all come through our consistent prayers, talking with everyone, working with members, and being persistent. I think being persistent is something I need to work on a bit more, and my companion helps me out with that. :) But really, it has been a miracle to see all these interested people come out of the woodwork.
Now we just need to get them all MARRIED. Pretty much everyone here just lives together. So we are working on that.

What was the funniest or most unusual thing you experienced this week?
Well one thing that has been pretty fun for me is grocery shopping here. Today I finally found after a year and a half of living here the following items: (although I did not buy them because they are super expensive here) Pickles, Relish, JalapeƱos (those I did buy! For our hamburgers and chili dogs we whip up!), and Ranch dressing. Those are just a few miraculous finds... you have to go look in the bottom corners of the shelves to find these kinds of things, and there is only one place in all of Piura you can find that stuff. Crazy how different it can be living on the other side of the world.... :)

Another thing I am gonna work on this week is improve how I teach. I love finding new and better ways to teach. And this week I finally got a hold of the "Come, Follow Me" teaching program. I have been watching the training videos. Even though it is for Sunday School teachers, it is pretty much what Preach My Gospel teaches, but I have really liked what I have seen and learned.

This week we are gonna keep working hard!! Hopefully we can help a couple people find that this the true church of Jesus Christ. I know it is. OH!! I never told y'all, I finished reading Jesus the Christ. And now I will be doing double time of the Book of Mormon! I gotta end for June, it is a mission goal, and we started about 2 weeks ago! Now I am ending 1 Nephi, and I love that book! :)

And tell Austin C. to get prepared because he is going to enter the Best mission in the whole wide world!!! I will get thinking about advice.... But I bet I will see him in the office his first day here then!!! haha that will be awesome:) 

Have a great week!! Love you all!

Elder Russell

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