Monday, January 26, 2015

A Superb Week!

With Elder Villalba

Hello family!!                                                    

This week was a superb one! Yes, I am feeling much better! This week we really started to get to business!

Remember a couple weeks ago I was telling you all that I need to get better about street contacting? Well this week we finally got it. Our mission we have Normas de Excelencia, which are like the ideal goals in what we should be doing and such. And one of them is contacting at least 20 new people every day. Which honestly was crazy to me. I get in the habit of just teaching. I love to teach and not so much contact. But to teach you gotta contact!! So we got to work this week and we contacted TRIPLE of what we contacted the week before! And we gotta do more. But it has been awesome!! You get so tired and you want to just take it easy instead of pretty much running person to person, but THAT, my friends, is the dedication we need.

The RM's wife is doing great. She is preparing to be baptized on the 21st of February. She is so awesome. An ideal investigator and will be a strong member. And it looks like from her family we might get some other baptisms! Her parents are strong Catholics, but there are others that might like to listen!

Can you think of a "tender mercy" that you recognized in your missionary efforts this week?
Well, in contacting more, I think God is helping me realize some of the gifts he has blessed me with, along with helping me realize that I need to be searching to receive and apply other gifts he has promised me. I just need to pray and work in order to receive them. But as a missionary, I have many many gifts available to me, I just need to do my part and I have seen that God always does His part of the promise.

What is something new that you learned this week?
Well, today something just hit me. I have known this, I have grown to LOVE this fact with all my heart, but again it hit me and has given me a new goal of studying this week, but I learned that really the key to EVERYTHING that I am doing, or really the key of EVERYTHING in life is the Atonement. We all need to know what the Atonement is, why we need it, what must we do to personally apply it, and where or by what authority (The Restored Church) can we receive the application to our lives. If we do not understand the Atonement and our relation to it, we cannot live this life to our fullest potential or receive joy in its fullness. So I learned how important it is that I make that message known to EVERYONE.

How are you spending your P-day today?
This P day we had a Multi-Zone activity of dodgeball, soccer, and water balloons. haha Afterwards my companion and I went searching to buy really big cardboard boxes (that story shall come next week. And if all goes as plans, it just might be a mission highlight) and now internet and then hopefully we will be cutting the cardboard or finding where we can get someone to spray paint for us, if we have time... haha today a little more busy than usual. Normally we get to play soccer with the ward. But today we are still at work!

In my District now, we are 3 companionships: 2 Elder Companionships in the Lopez Albujar Ward, and 1 Sister companionship in the Piura Central Ward. And we are the best District ever.

Well, i love you all!! have a wonderful week!! I know that my Redeemer lives.

Elder Russell

Some photos from Christmas Eve...
 With his beloved Panetone :)

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