Wednesday, May 28, 2014

A Trip to Lima!

Happy Wednesday family!                                           

Sorry I did not write Monday, I will explain that story.

So Sunday night we are doing all the reports and I am calling the sister missionaries and the Zone Leaders and such. At like 8:30 the Zone Leaders called me, and Elder Toolson said "I heard we might be going to Lima tomorrow." Oh, great little heads up... He later got that confirmed, and they called telling us we had to be at the airport in Piura at 8 in the morning Monday. So I was a little worried, I didn't even know if buses would leave in time. So I called the Pensionista and she said I needed to be in the terminal at 5:30 so we could get there in time. So we left at 5:30 and I was so nervous because as we walked out I saw a bus fly by thinking that was my only chance driving away. But we go to the terminal and take a bus to Piura and we were at the airport before 7. hahaha My companion was very tired from waking up at 4:45, just to find out we could have slept in considerably.

But yep, Lima was awesome! There was 23 of us Gringos that went and also 3 Argentinians. We arrived and went straight to Migrations to work on paperwork. There were already the missionaries from Tumbes of our mission there who had flown in the night before. So it was a big party. Then we went and ate PIZZA at the mall and that was super great, I have missed that delicious stuff. Also, Lima was cold! They told us that Sunday night and I was like "Pssh! I am from UTAH, people in Piura don’t even know what cold means!" But yep, that wind made me happy to have my suit coat! (Who knows, maybe it really was like mid 70s and I am just so used to sweating constantly... haha) Then we went to the hotel and we all hung out until it was night. We chatted with missionaries from the Cuzco Mission that came for the Visa too and that was fun, also every single missionary brought the same game of Uno, so we played that for a bit taking full advantage of leather couches in the lobby :)

In the morning I took the most divine shower with hot water. Considering the fact that our water here in Tambo Grande has been having problems for like over a week made that even more better. haha Then in the morning we went to Interpol. I hear that in a month we have to come back to Lima and then we will finish it all up. But Interpol was cool, we talked to people from Canada, Spain, China, a cool deal! And between the 23 of us Gringos, it was an excellent time to refresh our English. :) haha As a treat to take home to Piura, I bought DUNKIN DONUTS for me and my companion. A dozen was super expensive. 35 soles!! That’s like 12 bucks, but to put it in perspective, the mission gives us 4 soles per meal. haha so they were pricey but we are enjoying them. :)

So there is a little about my trip, it was quite a fun little adventure. And now about Tambo Grande and the work, the better part!! :)

Last week, Elder Grow of the Seventy came to Piura!! We had a conference with him and it was the best thing ever. We talked a lot about how to improve our mission, since really things are kinda being slow for a while. We talked a little about setting goals and how to do weekly planning. And he taught something that is already changing everything about my mission. He taught us about the first paragraph in Preach My Gospel section about setting goals in chapter 8. In the spirit of prayer, set a monthly baptismal goal. Then from that, you get all your other goals. Because that is the focus: Baptisms.

The next day before starting weekly planning, I told my companion I would like to start off our weekly planning with that. I explained I would offer the prayer to start then we can personally pray and meditate then when we are ready we can talk about the goal together. I offered the prayer together. I will be honest, in weekly planning it tells us to pray asking to receive revelation and this time was the first time I think I really did that with full intent of doing so. I had been thinking about the goal since the conference and 8 had been in my mind. Then kneeling there pondering, my mind rested upon 6. 6 felt like the goal. I prayed and thought about it and 6 stayed in my mind. I can't really explain how it went, but I knew that was my answer. But I was so worried my companion was going to come up with another number. SO then I was content with the number and looked over at my companion and he was kneeling praying and CRYING. an abrupt sob burst out for a second and I was like “hey are you ok?” He then looked over, got up washed his face then told me what had happened. I will be honest, I was thinking "This poor boy, he just can't reach it or he is feeling bad or something is up..." But then he explained it was from the pure joy he was feeling in his heart!! (I should be better used to this emotion seeing how often it happens in the Peterson family, shouldn't I? jajaja) But then he told me "I thought of 1, then 2, then 3 ... up to ten. But the number that most stuck out to me was 6." And holy cow my heart just flew. We had a little of a tear sharing together and we were like, we are going to have 6 baptisms this month of June! That was honestly such a testimony builder that the Lord directs this work and gives us revelation personally if we ask and search for it. And I am learning as a missionary I need to search for it much, much more. I loved that experience. We are still on a spiritual high from it!

So now we got high goals to reach that. Our goal was the teach 7 new families this week, find a new family every day. But the thing is I was in Lima, we have a Training conference for my new companion, and interviews. So we are getting a hard start, but we know if we put forth our efforts God will help us reach His set goal.

As for L and his family, they are now ALL listening to us and are starting to invite like everyone to listen! He told us he comes from a little town of like 10 families outside of Tambo Grande. He wants to take us out there to share this message with all of them!!! So we were like "Ummm... YES!!!" hahaha OF COURSE WE WILL! The thing we need to do for them right now is help get him to church, since he is having troubles in Paita with some property he owns over there and work there is only on Sundays. So that is his trouble. Also we need to help their daughters get caught up on the lessons since they are recently starting to listen. So I think we are going to go back to square one for a little for them, but also set a date for all of them for June! We will see how it all goes. Be sure to keep this family in your prayers! :) 

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers, sounds like things are awesome back home! I hope all is going well and I know the church is true!

OH! Church attendance was only 48 this week so it went down, but we are working on that. Our goal is to have a LOAD of investigators attending (those 7 families we talked about...) So we are still working hard!!

Thank you all, Love you all!!

Con amor y felicidad,

Elder Collin Russell

Catching up with old friends at a recent Conference:
Hermana Mara
and Hermano Morales

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