Monday, January 13, 2014

Howdy Y'all!

 Howdy y'all family!!

Things are going so great!! Elder Tamani and I are doing great, I think we have worked out all kinks, that honestly we didn't have many to start out with! But now we are doing well!

Today we went down to Catacaos for a zone activity, so we went down a little early and did some shopping before and after the activity. I bought a new bag that's a little smaller than my other black one, which is nice to have, and Elder Tamani and I did something AWESOME. The mission allows us to proselyte in hats and sunglasses that are appropriate to serve in, so like sombreros. So yep, Elder Tamani and I bought cowboy hats. Matching too. I know I never really ever wore cowboy hats too frequently back home, but I don't ever want to take this thing off! When we got dressed in proselyting attire when we got back from the activity, I matched it all down to the cowboy hat, and when we flagged down the moto to get a ride to the town center, it took everything I had not to pull a Texas Western accent. So that has been a pocket of simple joy to me! hahaha! The mission should always have fun things like that!

So yeah, things between Elder Tamani and I are great!! He is working hard to be a good missionary and district leader, since this is his first time with that responsibility. And he is doing really good at it!

We are getting new progress with our investigators and less active families we are meeting with, or at least finding new areas that we need to work on. Our progress honestly could be going better but we just gotta keep doing our best and not get too discouraged! Hopefully this week we should have an investigator with a baptismal date. The branch members are starting to get new excitement to help us teach our lessons, and that is GREAT and we should find spectacular improvement from their help this week.

One thing I have learned recently, we have been reading chapter 4 of Preach my Gospel. There is a section about the light of Christ. When we talked about that in companionship study, I brought up the scripture that says "light cleaveth unto light" and therefore we need the light of Christ so people looking for the truth will be drawn to us. Yes that is true, but then yesterday I learned an addition to that! We went to visit a family where just the kids are members. But everyone had gone to the beach except for the visiting grandmother from Piura. So we visited and talked to her. And WOW! She is GOLDEN. She is reading the Book of Mormon, she has recieved amazing answers to her prayers, she has desires to follow the commandments and she said she would attend our church if she had the money to get there. Elder Tamni later said to me he felt like she was just asking to get baptized!! So we are going to visit her again while she is still here until Thursday, then send the reference to the missionaries where she lives. But about the light of Christ: we need the light of Christ so WE can be drawn to OTHERS that have been truly prepared to hear our message. That elderly lady was such a blessing to me this week, I felt so uplifted talking to her! So that was an awesome thing this week.

Well, the church is true!! I love you all! Stay obedient, and keep on enduring to the end!!

It is so great to hear you are all doing well up there!! I'll try to send some sweat up your way! :)

Oh!! And Aunt Cathy thank you so so much for that package, I got it this week! The music CD ROCKS!! I love it so much, I listen to it like every night as of recently. haha!

I love you all!! Thank you for all the prayers, I think and pray about you all lots!

Con amor y felicidad,
Elder Collin Russell

Celebrating Hermana Mara's Birthday
Happy Birthday Hermana Mara!
Filled right up! :)
And another Birthday celebration...

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