Monday, August 18, 2014

Happy Birthday Collin!

Hello family of mine!!

Thank you all for the birthday wishes, I will be honest I am looking forward to trying out those cakes you bake in a cup! I think Elder Corpona and I will be treasuring that. And the Hostess cup cakes are in the freezer getting as cold as you can get in Tumbes. They arrived with the box smashed to a half inch thick, but they will be delicious nonetheless. :)

So last P Day we actually went to Manglares, which I can't really explain, other than lots of trees next to a river. But we got some fun district photos I will be sure to send off.

Today we went to a beach in Zorritos, and that was a blast. We played Football for like 2 hours (And I am talking about FOOTBALL. not Soccer, but American Football. It was stellar. I used my Russell athletics to score a touchdown too.) We got some fun photos there too! So mom, you will be receiving a great treat for my birthday if they all load in time... haha

Aaaaaand.. So I opened the frisbee present before my actual birthday. I was so excited to try it out with the multi zone activity! And I was like yeah I will go play football then it is frisbee time. I come back from Football and a couple Anonymous members of my district came up to me. They were not playing Football with us, but playing with my frisbee. And what happened was, a bad throw and it landed in the sand. And before one of the Elders could run to it in time, a great wave flew in and took the frisbee to the big blue. It was like when Martin Harris came to Joseph Smith after losing the 116 pages. But the ways of God cannot be spoiled, and you wonderful parents received the revelation to send two. I have now vowed I am never bringing my frisbee to the beach again. Only in fields without big wave problems. I am so, so sorry I lost that thing even BEFORE my birthday came around!! But it was still a real fun day.

As for what kind of cake to eat... I will let you all choose between Angel Food Cake with strawberry sauce and such or a Banana Cream Pie. I miss Strawberries (In the mission we aren't allowed to eat them...)  and I have grown to love bananas a lot. But enjoy!! (I told him that WE would celebrate his birthday by eating a dessert of his choice :)  Here, a very loving less active family has invited us to cake Wednesday night. So that will be a fun time.

We got a Family History training Tuesday morning for the Zone (the stake, or at least our ward, has a temple trip planned for the 21-23 of November, so we gotta get them ready!) and then a ward baptism in the afternoon. We gotta fill the font and invite everyone we can, especially our investigators, so they can check out the baptism! We are in the limits of the Guayaquil, Ecuador temple, it is much closer than Lima, so that is pretty cool!

I hope all is well back home! I am so excited for you all about the Ogden Temple opening!! Take advantage of that!! Here they have the chance like once or twice a year to go if they can raise enough money. We truly are blessed, aren't we? Take advantage of that blessing!!!

Here we've got great plans for the week. We have figured out that we can easily hit high goals if we set them right daily. We are working to have 6 lessons a day at least: 1 investigator with a member present, 1 recent convert, 3 less actives, and 1 family of new investigators. And we can easily do it. So off to work we are!! Here in Zarumilla we just seriously need to keep talking to everyone so we can find those golden families. They are out there, we just need to look and follow the Lord´s promptings.

Well, I love you all!! Have a great week!! Make it a good one!! And be a missionary! :)

La iglesia es verdadera! El evangelio de Jesucristo está restaurado gracias al profeta José Smith. Thomas S. Monson es un profeta de Dios hoy en día. Por medio de Bautismo podemos ser limpio de pecado. Y si perseveramos hasta el fin, podemos recibir la vida eterna. Obediencia trae bendiciones y la gracia de Dios nos ayudará cada vez que pedimos. Jesucristo vive, y vendrá para salvarnos, pero necesitamos prepararnos. Entonces, ¡Prepárense!

Hasta la próxima lunes,

Con mucho amor y felicidad,
Elder Collin Russell

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