Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Go and Do

Buenas tardes querida familia,                                     

Thank you all for your letters! I got quite a kick out of them all. Katie receiving a double portion of dinner, the famous fireworks finale (I truly do miss that event), and sure love to hear about how it is all going up there.

This week has been good! Sadly the package hasn’t quite reached me, that had me a little bummed out along with all Tambo Grande who I end up sharing the goodies with. There is one less active who finds a storm of excuses not to go to church but alongside that she always asks when the next shipment of American goods comes in. haha it sure is a fun group of people here. But I did whip up a little microwave cake and put a little match candle in it to celebrate USA's birthday.:) And the music I will surely blast when it comes. :)

Well this week has been going well. Sadly L and F dropped the baptismal date, and the first 2 visits this week were quite depressing to us missionaries. They all said "not right now, later on" when we were checking up about baptism... Except L, he is just awesome. And the first 2 visits we were trying to honestly convince them to accept baptism again, and distractions and drifting lesson topics made it hard. Then Saturday we went with the help of Hermana Katiana, the return missionary daughter of the Branch President. And she is a superstar. With her we finally got it all figured out and set back straight. We need to work on their testimonies. The Camino Torres family has been receiving criticism and doubts from family and friend peer pressure. So we need to work on their testimonies. And F said in the visit "I would get baptized if I receive this confirmation about the truthfulness of the church." And tonight we will be checking up on how praying to find the answer went. They truly are great, keep praying for them that they can receive this answer about the truthfulness about the book of Mormon and the LDS church.

H and J we’ve got to visit more frequently. They work far away and so they aren’t getting back home until like 8 at night and that has recently been making them not come to church.... So we’ve got to save that this week. We are working hard, they have a big desire to be baptized, so we just need to make sure they get to church and can visit a little more frequently.

Aunt Sheri, thank you for that great quote from Elder Holland. I really LOVE that quote. I think I am starting to find a theme I want for my life. It is like the most popular line in the whole Book of Mormon, but I just think it is key to everything. "Go and Do". Here in the mission I was tired after 3 months. 6:30 in the morning waking up, without weekends to sleep in or anything, I have learned you just gotta get up and go. Why? Because God said so. Sometimes I am learning that we want to fall, we are tired, "I should do that... but not right now..." But if we build the thought process of "Go and Do", "I'll Go Where You Want Me To Go" then yeah, you will still be tired, but you go and keep going and you find that we really do have so much more to give and God gives us the strength to do it.

Well, gotta go! The internet was super slow today... Sorry, just one of the joys that come with living in Tambo Grande!! I sure love it here!

I hope you all have a fantastic week! Love you all!

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